Do you like reading books about bats? Or maybe you enjoy writing about bats yourself? Then this is the event for you! We will be chatting to some of our favourite batty book authors about how they wrote their books, where they got their inspiration from and more. Book your place for our free online event now, all ages welcome!
Batty Books - Meet the Authors

Join us for a chat with some of our favourite Batty Book authors including

  • Angela Mills (Bobby the Brown Long-eared Bat)
  • Emma Reynolds (Amara and the Bats)
  • Rose Riddell and Diana Spencer (The Little Church Bat)
  • Raahat Kaduji (I'm Not Scary)

Hear their tips on creative writing about bats and bring along your questions for the audience q&a at the end.

Start Date/Time Tuesday 27th June 2023 at 4:00pm
End Date/Time Tuesday 27th June 2023 at 5:00pm

Online - Zoom

Book your place
Organiser Bat Conservation Trust