What can I do to help?

In order to help us to deliver our message, here is what you can do to help:

  • Write or email your local representatives (or candidates) to encourage them to listen to these issues.
  • If you’re visited by candidates in the run up to an election, talk to them about nature conservation.
  • Attend hustings and ask challenging questions of your local candidates.
  • Raise these issues with your local council.
  • Tell people you know about our asks through social media or word of mouth.
  • Join us at activities to show how passionate we all are about environmental matters.
  • Join our campaigns email list here so we can provide you with updates on our work.

You can check out the next page for resources specifically curated for supporting this manifesto.

If you take any actions to share our manifesto, please let us know through our quick online form so we can see how far it reaches!

Not a voter?

Even if you are not eligible or able to vote yourself, we would still encourage you you to make use of the resources to educate yourself and others around you. Your voice is still important and could help others understand bats and the environment better, whether you bring some of the issues up in a classroom discussion or share our posts about the manifesto on social media.

If you are close to people who are eligible to vote, please do share these resources with them to empower them to take a more proactive role in their area.

Next: Local advocacy toolkit