What is International Bat Night?

International Bat Night is global celebration of bats, organised by Eurobats. This year (2024), International Bat Night is 24-25th August!

It has taken place on the last full weekend of August since 1997 with more than 30 countries taking part.

Are there any events on this day?

Bat groups, park rangers and community groups organise fantastic bat walks and talks at dusk, as well some day time fun days!

Find out what events are taking place on International Bat Night here.

If you're organising an event, please do email comms@bats.org.uk with details of your event: name of event, date, time and location, who is it aimed for, is it a paid event (if so how much per person), do people need to book (and where), contact details for the organiser for people who have question, website of the event if there is one.

How to help bats on International Bat Night?

International Bat Night

Have a look at our International Bat Night Pack which you can download here!

Inside, you will find ideas on how to celebrate bats, help bat conservation, further resources and more!

But here are three easy ways you can help bats:

International Bat Night